Squash & Kernel Corn Casserole With Cornbread


Squash & Kernel Corn Casserole with Cornbread

By Chadwick Boyd

PHOTO By Sweetlife Photography

A Lighter Version of a Chef's Incredible Casserole

This casserole is my home-cook version of the exceptionally delicious squash-corn casserole I had a few years ago made by Blackberry Farm chef Cassidee Dabney. I have added crumbled cornbread, which I like to pair with kernel corn. I also love the addition of Gruyère, grated extra fine on a Microplane to keep it light, yet still satisfying like we want a casserole to be.

Chadwick’s Checklist

What you need to know before you cook.

  • Make sure you have a Microplane to grate the cheese
  • You'll need a baking dish that can hold around two quarts; it can be any size.
  • This recipe can easilly be doubled, just use a larger baking dish.

SERVING SIZE: 6-8 PREP TIME: 15 mins TOTAL TIME: 30 mins


  • 1 small sweet onion, diced coarsely

  • 2 medium yellow squash (about 1½ pounds), sliced ¼" thick

  • 2 medium zucchini (about 1½ pounds), sliced ¼" thick

  • 3 ears fresh corn, cut off the cobb + milk from the cobbs (1 small package of frozen yellow corn thawed)

  • 3 Tablespoons unsalted butter + 1 Tablespoon melted

  • 2 cups of crumbled cornbread or corn muffins

  • 1 cup gruyere, finely grated

  • 1 teaspoon of Kosher salt

  • ½ teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

  2. In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium-high heat. Add the onion and cook 5-7 minutes until softened. Fold in the squash and zucchini and cook until tender about 6-8 minutes. Remove from heat and place in a large mixing bowl. Let cool for a few minutes.

  3. Using a fork, mix together the cornbread and gruyere. Place ⅔ of the mixture into the bowl with the squash. Add the corn, salt and pepper. Stir with a wooden spoon until fully mixed together.

  4. Transfer to a medium-sized baking dish. Top with the remaining cornbread and cheese. Drizzle with the melted butter.

  5. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the top is golden and bubbly.

  6. Let rest for 5 minutes before serving.

Chadwick’s Changeups

Switch things up. Have some fun! Do more.

  • Use Swiss or cheddar instead of Gruyère 2. If fresh corn is out of season, frozen kernel corn works beautifully.
  • This can be assembled ahead of time, up to one day.
  • You can use all squash or zucchini, too.

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