Baked Fish Salsa Tacos


Baked Fish Salsa Tacos

By Chadwick Boyd


Bake Fish for Tacos in Salsa for Greater Flavor

Fish tacos are favorites any time of year, but they can be a bit complicated to make, especially on the grill. These fish tacos are baked with Garden Fresh Gourmet® Thick ‘N Chunky Salsa and sprinkled with toasted cumin seeds to add big flavor in very little time. The salsa’s big chunky bits of tomato, jalapeño and onion make the meaty white fish extra good on grilled tortillas. Finish tacos off with chopped celery and celery leaves for a fresh crunch.

Chadwick’s Checklist

What you need to know before you cook.

  • Bake fish in an oven-proof baking dish.
  • Warm tortillas while your fish rests after baking.

SERVING SIZE: 4-6 PREP TIME: 10 mins TOTAL TIME: 20 mins


  • 1½ lbs. halibut or cod, sliced crossways ½’ thick

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • ¼ teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper

  • Zest from 1 medium lemon + juice from half

  • 2 teaspoons whole cumin seeds, toasted

  • 1 cup Garden Fresh Gourmet® Thick ‘N Chunky Salsa

  • See Fixins list below


  1. Preheat the oven to 425°F.

  2. Place the fish in a baking dish. Season with the salt and pepper. Squeeze the lemon juice over the fish and scatter the zest and cumin seeds evenly on top. Spoon the salsa over the fish.

  3. Place in the oven and bake for 10 minutes or until the fish starts to flake easily when tested with a fork.

  4. Remove from the oven. Let sit 3-4 minutes. Serve with the taco fixins (see below).


  • Grilled or toasted soft 8” tortillas

  • Lemons cut top to bottom for Mexican style wedges, not crossways

  • Thinly sliced pieces of celery & whole celery leaves

  • Fresh Italian leaf parsley

  • Bowl of more Garden Fresh Gourmet® Thick ‘N Chunky Salsa

Chadwick’s Changeups

Switch things up. Have some fun! Do more.

  • Go gluten free: layer this fish and fixings on a rice or quinoa bowl.
  • Any firm white fish will work with this technique.
  • You can make this on the stovetop, too: Add salsa and seasonings to a pan, and let fish gently poach inside until it flakes.

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