Mango Peach Shandy

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Mango Peach Shandy

By Chadwick Boyd


This Tropical Drink is a Sippable Vacation

This light yet soulful fruit shandy is made with mango-peach salsa, a tich of sugar and freshly squeezed lemon. It's serve with fresh mango wedges and chili powder for an even greater pop of flavor.

Chadwick’s Checklist

What you need to know before you cook.

  • Have your beer chilled and 2 cups of ice ready.
  • Rim your glasses with the chili salt before you pour the cocktail.

SERVING SIZE: 4 Cocktails PREP TIME: 10 mins TOTAL TIME: 10 mins


  • 1 24 oz. container of Garden Fresh Gourmet® Mango Peach Salsa

  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar or more to taste

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • 4 12-ounce bottles of pilsner

  • 1 teaspoon sea salt

  • 1 teaspoon chili powder

  • 4 wedges of fresh mango or peach

  • 2 cups of ice


  1. Place the salsa in a blender. Add the sugar and lemon juice. Blend until smooth, about 20-25 seconds. Pour into a large beer pitcher.

  2. Slowly add the beer to the pitcher, being careful to keep the foam low. Stir gently with a wooden spoon to mix together.

  3. Divide the ice among four tumbler or pilsner glasses. Pour the shandy over the ice.

  4. Mix together the chili powder and the salt on a small plate. Dip wedges of fresh mango or peach. Serve with the drink.

Chadwick’s Changeups

Switch things up. Have some fun! Do more.

  • Frozen versions of the fruit will also work well in a pinch. They're usually packaged at peak ripeness, so it's also a great option if you make this cocktail off-season.

Copyright © 2020 Lovely & Delicious Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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