Watermelon Spoon Jam With Basil

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Watermelon Spoon Jam with Basil

By Chadwick Boyd

Turn Fresh Watermelon Into This Easy, Syrupy Summertime Jam

This watermelon jam is quite simple—and surprising. Very few folks think about turning one of summertime’s favorite fruit into a luscious spoon jam to spread on biscuits or cornbread, top yogurt with, or drizzle on top of ice cream.

Watermelon has a lot of water in it, so when it is exposed to high heat, the water drains from it quickly, causing a “jam” to be very thin and runny. Cooking cubed pieces in a sauce pan over low heat for a consistent period of time, lets the sugar and the fruit to work together. When the jam is ready, you will know it when it generously coats the backside of a spoon. Fresh basil is stirred in at the very end to liven it up, but you can add fresh thyme, mint or tarragon, too.

Chadwick’s Checklist

What you need to know before you cook.

  • You'll need watermelon already cubed, and a food processor to blend the base for this jam.
  • The jam needs to cool completely before refrigerating

SERVING SIZE: 1 cup PREP TIME: 15 minutes TOTAL TIME: 3 hours


  • 4 cups cubed, seedless watermelon

  • 1 cup cubed watermelon rind (outer skin peeled and discarded)

  • 1 cup granulated sugar

  • 2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar

  • ¼ teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper

  • Pinch or two of Kosher salt

  • 1½ tablespoons chopped fresh basil


  1. Place the watermelon cubes and the rind into the bowl of a food processor and pulse several times until it resembles the consistency of salsa.

  2. Transfer to a medium-sized pot and add the sugar, vinegar, pepper and salt. Bring to a slow boil on medium heat, 10-15 minutes.

  3. Reduce the heat to low and continue simmering for 1-1½ hours until thickened. It should coat the backside of a spoon when it’s ready. Skim any foam off of the top of the jam. Remove from the heat, and stir in the basil.

  4. Carefully spoon the jam into a clean glass jar or small bowl. Allow to cool to room temperature. Seal the jar with a lid, then place in the refrigerator. The jam will last about 1 week.

Chadwick’s Changeups

Switch things up. Have some fun! Do more.

  • Add a pinch of chile flakes or a dash of hot sauce when stirring in the basil for some heat
  • You can make this jam with cantaloupe or honey dew instead of watermelon
  • Try this as a topping for yogurt, ice cream, or sherbet for dessert

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